
The subtle phrases, the strings of adoration words, have been conveyed lovingly. Here, it will be shown that pure liking is ready to be present with soul-satisfying presence, and that this love sits eternally.

At first, kata tetangga saya 'tak kenal maka tak sayang', so let me introduce about myself. I'll go with my fullname is Farrel Alkavino. Farrel, Kavin, Kavi for short or you can give me any nickname whatever you want, but can I call you mine before it? xixixi. Saya berada dalam usia legal (22+) and I have 3 love language (Words of Affirmation, Act of Service, and Quality Time) with ESTP as my MBTI.The second, about my personality. Seperti ESTP pada umumnya, saya memiliki sifat ekstrovert, peka terhadap sesuatu, berfikir secara logis dan juga melihat sesuatu menurut persepsi saya. Dengan kata lain saya cukup mudah bersosialisasi dengan orang baru ataupun lama, terkadang saya memiliki sifat spontan. Serius banget sih? et enggak dong, saya tergolong orang yang random, talkative, dan juga santai kok. Many people said I'm cool outside bobrok inside, ini valid sih karena saya bobrok banget jujur. Humor saya ngejungkel ndelongsor abiez. Saya juga suka ngejokes walaupun gak lucu gapapa yang penting saya udah berusaha..
Tenang walaupun bobrok, saya tetep bisa kamu jadikan teman bercerita cause I'm good listener too. Worry not, kalo kamu mau nyambat gapapa nyambat aja keluarin uneg-uneg kamu biar lega, ngomong kasar juga terabas aja, I don't mind if you using harshword. I'm not a judgemental person, jadi jangan takut ya. Saya menempatkan diri saya di posisi Netral. Oh iya sedikit tmi, saya bisa tiba-tiba TYPING CAPSLOCK KAYAK GINI atau tba-tba ngjmet bgini yh,, [mlahap nugget]. So, if you aren't comfortable with that just tell me, oke?
The third, I'm interest into love-hate relationship but still lovey-dovey too. Saya bisa membangun suasana pacaran santai less romantic, atau gaya pacaran sesuai yang kamu mau. Perang meme? debat hal random? pukis seharian? ayo saya jabanin. Tapi semua balik lagi ke cara kamu merespond dan menanggapi saya seperti apa.The last, I really like listening to music apalagi sposess terus lagu nya ngalor-ngidul. Saya gak punya spesifik genre dan biasanya saya mendengarkan lagu dari Keshi, Taylor Swift, NIKI, 5SOS, Maroon 5, Bruno Mars, dan lainnya. Saya juga mendengarkan lagu ambyar jowoan sampai reggae. Untuk genre film biasanya saya menonton horror, comedy, atau romance. Terkadang saya juga menonton beberapa Drama Asia.


Of his arms?

Here, in this tranquil setting, is where heaven can be found. Cupid presents his ability to bring disparate elements together and promises that the sought-after tale is within reach—right there, in the clinch of his arms.



There is something to be on the lookout for, and it must be implemented gradually. When the ordinance that will take you into the realm of the slice of heaven arrives, everything comes to a stop and is glad to be seen.

  • Before filling the form ask my availability to my manager

  • Respect each other's privacy. Don't ask about my personal privacy. I have the right to end the session if the client crosses the line

  • Work hours 09.00 - 21.00 (GMT+7)

  • Available as Boyfriend (BxG), Bestfriend, Family for BA/CA/FA/Rant/Unlabeled on Telegram, Twitter & Line

  • Currently not provide imagine, plotting, OTP, VN, and NSFW

  • Keep in mind, I have a life other than Rent World so it will take me 1-8 minutes to reply your message if I'm not busy and 10-30 minutes if I have other activities. I'll let you know if I'll be slow to respond your message

  • I emphasize once again, I treat you depending on how you respond to me. Sometimes, between clients and talents have different chemistry every session. So, please don't compare anything or anyone cause you're unique in your own way and I respect that

  • Susu murni Nasional. I don't mind if you send me a pictures of daily activities. It's strictly forbidden to send me photos of your face or other personal things

  • No cancel and refund. Re-schedule allowed D-2 before we start session

  • I keep doing self promotions during the session, for VVIP packages I will do self promotions after 18.00 (GMT+7) unless there is something urgent

  • Catching feelings during or after the rent session isn't my responsibility. Please do profesional as client

  • Client are required to give me some honest testimonials after the sessions end

A lively reaching will permanently fit eternity perfectly. Expressed with palms full of devotion that seeks to always bring love closer to tales with consolation at our core.


A piece of my heart will always belong to you.

all the prices in rupiah

Be My First | 5.0/hour

Hourly rent as lover, bestfriend, and family. Handling 2-3 clients each platform.

Hello future | 18.0/day

VIP rent as Boyfriend, Bestfriend or Family. Handling 2 clients each platform inc. 1 hour Spotify Sessions.

Dive into you | 25.0/day

VVIP rent as Boyfriend. It's only you. All the affection I give is only focused on you. With flexible work hours (max. 23.00), public display affection & put your name on my bio, and 1 hour Spotify sessions.



Public Display Affection4.0/Day
Put name on Bio2.0/Day
Stay Up Late5.0/Hour
Spotify Sessions4.0/Hour
Movie Date7.0/Movie
Youtube Date5.0/Hour
Layout CoupleBills on client
Food/Beverages DateBills on client
Others DateDiscuss First

ALL PACKAGES INCL. — Request: face claim, typing & pet name